
  1. Select Difficulty:
    Decide how many fairy cards you want to include in your deck based on your desired challenge:

    • Hard: Remove all Hearts (no fairies).
    • Normal (recommended): Include any one of the Hearts.
    • Easy: Include any two of the three fairy Hearts.
    • Very Easy: Include all three: King, Queen, and Jack of Hearts.
  2. Deck Composition:

    • Always Include: All Spades, Diamonds, and Clubs (39 cards).
    • Fairy Hearts: Add the chosen number of fairy cards (0, 1, 2, or 3) to create your final deck.
  3. Tableau:

    • Shuffle the final deck and deal 7 cards face up.
  4. Draw Pile:

    • Place the remaining cards face down.
  5. Discard Pile:

    • Create an empty discard pile.
  6. Mana Pool:

    • Start with 7 mana.

Card Values and Roles

  • Card Values:
    • Ace: 1
    • Number Cards: Their face value (2–10)
    • Face Cards (J, Q, K): Each is worth 10
    • Fairy Hearts: (K♥, Q♥, J♥) are valued at 10
  1. Spades (Mana Source):

    • Effect: When played, add its face value to your mana pool.
    • Example: 6♠ gives +6 mana; King♠ (worth 10) gives +10 mana.
  2. Diamonds (Spells):

    • Casting a Spell: Play a diamond and pay mana equal to its face value.
    • Targeting an Enemy:
      • If an enemy (Club) is present:
        • Choose an enemy whose face value is less than or equal to the diamond’s value. Subtract the mana cost and discard both the diamond and the targeted enemy.
      • If no enemy is present or no spell is high enough to cast on an enemy:
        • You “fizzle” the spell: discard the spell card without paying its mana cost.
  3. Clubs (Enemies):

    • Effect: Clubs remain in the tableau as monsters, with their face value representing their strength.
    • Defeating an Enemy:
      • A Club can be removed only by casting a spell (Diamond) that meets or exceeds its face value,
      • Or, if available, by a fairy (see below) when the enemy’s value is 10 or less.
  4. Hearts (Fairies):

    • Only Present if Chosen in Setup: King, Queen, and/or Jack of Hearts.
    • Effect:
      • Standard Use: A fairy can defeat an enemy on its own if that enemy’s face value is 10 or less. When used, both the fairy and the enemy are discarded.
      • Combo Option: Against an enemy with a face value greater than 10, you may combine a fairy with a diamond spell. In this combo, play the fairy and cast the diamond (paying its mana cost) to defeat the enemy, then discard all three cards.


  1. Turn Actions:
    On each turn, you must play one card from the 7‑card tableau:

    • Spade: Play to gain mana equal to its face value.
    • Diamond: Cast it as a spell:
      • If an enemy (Club) is present: Target an enemy whose value is less than or equal to the diamond’s value. Pay the mana cost and discard both the diamond and the enemy.
      • If no enemy is present: You must “fizzle” the spell—pay the mana cost and discard the diamond, with no enemy removed.
    • Heart (Fairy):
      • Standard Use: If an enemy with a face value of 10 or less is available, play a fairy to defeat it; discard both cards.
      • Combo Option: To defeat an enemy stronger than 10, combine a fairy with a diamond spell (paying the diamond’s mana cost) and discard the fairy, the diamond, and the enemy.
    • Clubs (Enemies): These remain on the tableau until removed by a spell or fairy.
  2. Refilling the Tableau:
    After playing a card (or a combination), remove the used card(s) from the tableau and draw new card(s) from the draw pile to maintain 7 cards (if available).

  3. No Running:
    There is no option to run from a room in this version.

  4. Winning & Losing:

    • Winning: You win if you eventually defeat all enemy cards (Clubs) in the deck and clear the tableau of threats.
    • Losing: The game ends in defeat if you attempt to cast a spell without sufficient mana or if no legal moves remain to remove the remaining enemies.

Strategy Considerations

  • Difficulty Selection:
    • Fewer fairies (Hard/Normal) mean you’ll rely more on building mana and using diamonds wisely.
    • More fairies (Easy/Very Easy) provide extra options to remove enemies directly.
  • Mana Management:
    • Although you start with 7 mana, play Spades early to build a robust reserve for costly spells.
  • Spell Timing:
    • Avoid a tableau filled solely with diamonds; if no Clubs are present, you’re forced to fizzle spells and lose mana.
  • Target Selection:
    • When multiple enemy cards are available, target the one that best matches your available spell or fairy strength to conserve resources.
Updated 1 day ago
Published 2 days ago
GenreCard Game
Tags2D, pygame

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